OYEEO-The Singing Island is the first animation cartoon produced in China using remote controlled puppets. It Combines art with an industrialization process and is based on the brand concept of nature, dream, environment, science and technology.
With 4 subjects and 104 episodes it takes the theme of environmental protection as its core and popular science education as a subsidiary.
OYEEO has lots of original songs and ultra HD movie picture quality which creates a real and fantastic island style amusement park setting for children. On OYEEO the Singing Island there is no pollution, no sadness, only joy of the children singing and playing at the amusement park.
However, out at sea on an oil drilling platform is Dr. Wrong, who is very greedy and always brings trouble to the island trying to plunder its resources. The friends on the island combine their efforts to deal with each problem. Getting along with each other every day, they find their strong points and tolerate each other's shortcomings and help each other. Finally in the end, they carry out their environmental protection dream.